mercoledì 23 aprile 2014

Your next lessons

I noticed "not many students" turned up at today's lesson (23rd April)!!! Did you read anywhere an official note saying the lesson had been cancelled, by any chance????

Next lesson will be on Wednesday 30th April -  We will focus on English for Cultural Heritage

Friday 2nd May there will be NO lesson 

Lesson 17  Wednesday 7th May

Lesson 18  Friday 9th May

Lesson 19  Wednesday 14th May

Lesson 20  Friday  16th May

Extra - Last lesson will possibly be on  Wednesday 21st May  



English for Cultural Heritage

From the news:

Da Vinci, Raphael Renaissance landscapes identified
Mona Lisa model could be buried in family tomb

Impact of new technologies on cultural heritage

Self study: 
Restoration: Windsor Castle

Choose an article on restoration from Express your opinion on the issue discussed

Sistine Ceiling 2.0: Restoration of the Carracci Gallery Frescoes.

Linee guida Esame aa 2013_2014

Come da programma del corso, lo studente che intende sostenere l'esame nell'aa 2013-2014 è tenuto a preparare una presentazione scegliendo un argomento tra quelli sotto indicati. La scelta deve essere concordata con la dott.ssa Lombardi (, docente del corso in oggetto.

  1. A description of a cultural or natural property (age, size, particular characteristics) in your area, and say why it is important for your country’s heritage
  2. There is much debate over the return of art objects or archeological artefacts to their original country, as they are considered to have been stolen in the past. What do you think? Would Italy have to return any objects to other countries?
  3. A picture of your favourite painting. Where is it kept? What does it evoke? (This option is only for students from the artistic course).
  4. Choose and article on restoration from Express your opinion on the issue discussed.
  5. Choose a video from the World Monuments Fund and present it  by switching the volume off.
  6. Legislation: Unesco Convention_ Article 1 – on preventing illicit traffic.
  7. Storage and Conservation: environmental factors and storage systems
  8. Matera: Candidate city European Capital of Culture 2019. Why does Matera  wish to take part in the competition? What would it be the main challenge of this nomination?
  9. The impact of digital technology: the impact and revolutionary consequence.
  10. List and discuss ways of improving your local museums or others that you have visited.
  11. Noteworthy excavations: from Saxon London to Metaponto
  12. Your contribution to Matera, candidate city European Capital of Culture.  What would be your proposal?
  13. Dating methods: absolute and relative methods

In sede di esame lo studente consegna al docente copia cartacea della presentazione prodotta in power point con il frontespizio preparato in tutte le sue parti inserendo nome e cognome; titolo dell'argomento scelto; N° 6 punti che si vogliono affrontare durante la presentazione

 N.B. Parte 1: La presentazione dell’argomento deve avere una durata di non oltre i 4-5 minuti. Seguiranno domande correlate all’argomento. Il candidato deve  dimostrare di conoscere l'argomento scelto  e saper usare strutture grammaticali e funzioni comunicative adeguate, inclusa la competenza di esprimere opinioni e suggerimenti. Nella valutazione sarà tenuta in debita considerazione la componente relativa  alle tecniche di presentazione e comunicazione.
Parte 2: traduzione di frasi e brevi testi  dall’italiano in inglese

martedì 22 aprile 2014



From Face to Face:

Unit 7
Revision: travelling vocabulary
Skills: Reading a travel magazine article

Unit 8
Present Perfect with for and since; questions with how long...?

giovedì 10 aprile 2014



The storage environment

  • Temperature and relative humidity
  • Dust and Pollutants
  • Light
  • Mould
  • Pests

The storage of photographs

mercoledì 9 aprile 2014


General English


  • present perfect for life experience
  • present perfect with just, already, yet

From Face to Face:

  • Vocabulary: the environment, collocations
  • Grammar: will for prediction, might, be going to

Grammar reference

  • Present perfect
  • Use of will, going to

venerdì 4 aprile 2014


Art: Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa Foundation

Louvre museum

From TED education try these lessons:
Leonardo Da Vinci 
Botticelli's Adoration of the Magi 

I want you to watch the video and complete all the exercises on line. Please save your answers!

giovedì 3 aprile 2014


2nd April

Sospensione delle attività didattiche disposta dal Rettore 

However, students are asked to work on Face to Face student book

- Vocabulary: types of Music

- Present Perfect: Interrogative, questions wiht ever
- Grammar exercises: page 33 ex 7,10