A partire da martedi 27 novembre, la lezione di inglese per scopi specifici (ESP) ovvero inglese per Beni Culturali si terrà il martedi dalle 10:30 alle 12:30.
Le giornate del giovedi e venerdi saranno dedicate al corso di inglese generale.
La frequenza di entrembi i corsi è sempe fortemente consigliata!!
Supporto didattico interattivo del corso di lingua inglese rivolto agli studenti iscritti al corso di laurea in Operatore dei Beni Culturali.
domenica 25 novembre 2012
Presentation Language
To help you with your topic presentation have a look at this useful language:
Presentation language
Un consiglio nella scelta dell'argomento.. go for something YOU really enjoy investigating and like to talk about.
You need to use accessible and easily-understood words rather than technical or obscure words.
Try to avoid long sentences. Short sentences are much better.
Use mind maps to help you organize your thoughts,or cue cards as well as power point presentations or photos to support your work.
Presentation language
Un consiglio nella scelta dell'argomento.. go for something YOU really enjoy investigating and like to talk about.
You need to use accessible and easily-understood words rather than technical or obscure words.
Try to avoid long sentences. Short sentences are much better.
Use mind maps to help you organize your thoughts,or cue cards as well as power point presentations or photos to support your work.
sabato 17 novembre 2012
Windsor Castle
Today I had the impression YOU really appreciated that video about Windsor Castle.
Unfortunatelly, we never managed to finish watching it but at least we were able to get some flavour of what this World Heritage site is like.
You can however watch it as well as other and maybe share with us some of the nice words/phrases used to describe the castle.
- Windsor Castle Video
- BBC Windsor Castle - part one
- BBC Windsor Castle - part two
Language from the videos:
Unfortunatelly, we never managed to finish watching it but at least we were able to get some flavour of what this World Heritage site is like.
You can however watch it as well as other and maybe share with us some of the nice words/phrases used to describe the castle.
- Windsor Castle Video
- BBC Windsor Castle - part one
- BBC Windsor Castle - part two
Language from the videos:
- oldest and largest inhabited castle
- an unparalleled theatre of history
- magnificent State Apartments furnished with treasures from the Royal Collection
- St George's Chapel one of the most beautiful ecclesiastical buildings in England
lunedì 12 novembre 2012
Esame Lingua Inglese
Come da programma del corso, lo studente che intende sostenere l'esame nell'aa 2012-2013 è tenuto a preparare una presentazione scegliendo un argomento tra quelli sotto indicati. La scelta deve essere concordata con la dott.ssa Lombardi, docente del corso in oggetto.
1_ A description of a cultural or natural property
(age, size, particular characteristics) in your area, and say why it is
important for your country’s heritage.
2_There is much debate over the return of art objects
or archeological artefacts to their original country, as they are considered to
have been stolen in the past. What do you think? Would Italy have to return any
objects to other countries?
3_A picture of your favourite painting. Where is it
kept? What does it evoke?
4_Choose and article on restoration from www.artwatchinternational.org
Express your opinion on the issue discussed
5_Choose a video from the World Monuments Fund http://www.wmf.org/dig-deeper/videos
and present it switching the volume off
6_ Unesco Convention_ Article 1 – on preventing
illicit traffic
7_Storage and Conservation: environmental factors and
storage sytems
8_ Noteworthy excavations
9_ The impact of digital technology
10_List and discuss ways of improving your local
museums or others that you have visited
In sede di esame lo studente consegna al docente un topic form .. preparato in tutte le sue parti come nel prospetto sotto, inserendo nome e cognome; titolo dell'argomento scelto; N°6 punti che si vogliono affrontare durante la presentazione

N.B. Parte 1: La presentazione dell’argomento deve avere
una durata di non oltre i 4-5 minuti. Seguiranno domande correlate
all’argomento. Il candidato deve dimostrare
di conoscere l'argomento scelto e saper usare strutture grammaticali e funzioni comunicative
adeguate, inclusa la competenza di esprimere opinioni e suggerimenti. Nella valutazione sarà tenuta in debita considerazione la componente realtiva alle tecniche di presentazione e comunicazione. Parte 2: traduzione di frasi e brevi testi dall’italiano in inglese
venerdì 2 novembre 2012
Friday Homework
Since we decided not to have the lesson today..
The least we can do is ...some homework to catch up with what we missed ...
Unit 4 pp 41-50
To start with ... here is a lovely song from Nat Cole "Mona Lisa"
If you are really interested in learning more about this "mystic, sacred, devine" piece of art .. visit the Foundation Mona Lisa website
The least we can do is ...some homework to catch up with what we missed ...
Unit 4 pp 41-50
To start with ... here is a lovely song from Nat Cole "Mona Lisa"
If you are really interested in learning more about this "mystic, sacred, devine" piece of art .. visit the Foundation Mona Lisa website
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