lunedì 12 novembre 2012

Esame Lingua Inglese

Come da programma del corso, lo studente che intende sostenere l'esame nell'aa 2012-2013 è tenuto a preparare una presentazione scegliendo un argomento tra quelli sotto indicati. La scelta deve essere concordata con la dott.ssa Lombardi, docente del corso in oggetto.

1_ A description of a cultural or natural property (age, size, particular characteristics) in your area, and say why it is important for your country’s heritage.

2_There is much debate over the return of art objects or archeological artefacts to their original country, as they are considered to have been stolen in the past. What do you think? Would Italy have to return any objects to other countries?

3_A picture of your favourite painting. Where is it kept? What does it evoke?

4_Choose and article on restoration from Express your opinion on the issue discussed

5_Choose a video from the World Monuments Fund and present it switching the volume off

6_ Unesco Convention_ Article 1 – on preventing illicit traffic

7_Storage and Conservation: environmental factors and storage sytems

8_ Noteworthy excavations

9_ The impact of digital technology

10_List and discuss ways of improving your local museums or others that you have visited

In sede di esame lo studente consegna al docente un topic form .. preparato in tutte le sue parti come nel prospetto sotto, inserendo nome e cognome; titolo dell'argomento scelto; N°6 punti che si vogliono affrontare durante la presentazione

 N.B. Parte 1: La presentazione dell’argomento deve avere una durata di non oltre i 4-5 minuti. Seguiranno domande correlate all’argomento. Il candidato deve  dimostrare di conoscere l'argomento scelto  e saper usare strutture grammaticali e funzioni comunicative adeguate, inclusa la competenza di esprimere opinioni e suggerimenti. Nella valutazione sarà tenuta in debita considerazione la componente realtiva alle tecniche di presentazione e comunicazione.
Parte 2: traduzione di frasi e brevi testi  dall’italiano in inglese

39 commenti:

  1. boys, I think that a teacher who give us this chances for exams we happen once in a lifetime, bye

  2. If I will be allowed to introduce examination of English, certainly argue number ten on the subject, it would be a mistake to choose a different, bye

  3. Good evening Teacher;
    My choice is point n. 4 and the article is that about Euphronios Krater' s case!
    This vicissitude and this art theft are very important for me and for all students of cultural heritage.

    Link :

    What do you think??
    See you tomorrow at lesson!

  4. I'm Paola Cazzati. I'm going to take the english exam in January. My choice is the point n.3: the section of Michelangelo's fresco Sistine Chapel ceiling called "La Creazione di Adamo".
    I hope my choice is OK!

  5. Good evening Teacher, my topic is "The Parthenon".

  6. I'm Fabiana Pizzulli. for the exam I want to prepare "The Gravina of Ginosa", my country.

  7. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  8. Hi teacher I chose the firts point for my presentationt. I will speak the church of San Domenico which is located in Matera

  9. @Vincenzo.. "The Gravina of Ginosa" is ok .. However, Ginosa is definetely not your country ... maybe your town ;-)

    Valeria @ Ok for the chosen topic

  10. Ragazzi,

    per quanto sto consentendo a tutti di scegliere il proprio argomento, ho l'impressione che vi stiate concentrando esclusivamente sulla prima traccia e questo proprio non mi piace.

    Ci cono ben altre 9 possibilità e mi farebbe piacere vedere altre scelte per il vostro topic presentation.

    Many thanks

  11. Hello teacher :) ... i'm gonna talk about "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix. Point 3 ! Bye ;)

  12. hallo gonna and gotta ... yes ok for the political painting ;-)

  13. Good morning teacher! :) I've chosen as topic photography

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  15. Hello teacher :) my choice is the point number 3, Michelangelo's masterpiece "The Last Judgement". Bye :)

  16. Good evening teacher :)
    For my exam, i've chosen the third topic you suggested.
    And i'd like to talk about two pictures of my favourite artist,Klimt.
    Their names are "The Kiss" and "Giuditta".

    p.s. I'm improving English grammar! :)
    Bye :)

  17. @Gaetano, Mario, Alessia -- your topic has been confirmed!

  18. Hello teacher!! my choice is the point number 3, I have chosen to speak about my fauvorite painter Vincent Van Gogh, I'll talk about his oils "Eternity's gate" and "Wheatfield with crows".
    Bye teacher :)

  19. Good afteroon teacher,my choice is the point number 3.
    I'm gonna talk about "Where do we come from?What are we?Where are we going?" by Gauguin.
    Bye :)

  20. Good evening teacher! I chose the point number 4, the article on the restoration of Carracci Gallery...See you Tuesday! Bye Bye...

  21. Hi teacher, can you give me your e-mail, please? I'm Maurizio, thanks.

  22. Maurizio my email address is on the blog profile
    Anyhow, you can contact me at

  23. Thanks, so I have chosen to speak about Guernica of Pablo Picasso for my exame...what do think about my choise?

  24. Good morning teacher..
    So,I am going to chose the point number 1 and I am going to speak about Dirupo quarter and church of Immaculate Conception.
    The exame will be on the 8th February, isn't it?
    See you.. bye bye

  25. yes, Filippo.. that's right! The exam is on the 8th!

  26. Salve, sono Paola Cazzati.
    L'esame sostenuto l'8 febbraio non viene visualizzato tra i miei dati, è normale, o ci sono stati problemi?

  27. Good evening Teacher,
    can I choose the point 4 for the English exam on May 31?
    the article that I will discuss is The Menil's Picasso: A Victim of Vandalism or Adaptive Reuse?
    thanks for your attention.
    Yours sincerely.

  28. Hi Giovanna,
    that sounds very interesting! I look forward to enjoying your presentation!

  29. Good morning teacher,
    can I choose the point 1 for the English exame on May 31?
    I would speak about "Santa Lucia alle malve", a rupestrian church in Matera.
    Adriana Cancelliere

  30. Good evening Teacher. I'm Francesco Paolo Di Noia. I have chosen to speak about "Giancarlo Tramontano" the man who was Count of Matera. In addition he was the reason of creation of castle Tramontano.My choice is the point n 1. What do you think about my choise? I hope you' ll like.Thanks for your attention.

  31. Your choice sounds interesting! Obviously I am more interested in finding out something more about The Tramontano Castle than the Tramontano biography...

    1. Actually, my thesis is about more Tramontano' s biography. Hovewer, I will talk about tramontano Castle too.

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