A partire da martedi 27 novembre, la lezione di inglese per scopi specifici (ESP) ovvero inglese per Beni Culturali si terrà il martedi dalle 10:30 alle 12:30.
Le giornate del giovedi e venerdi saranno dedicate al corso di inglese generale.
La frequenza di entrembi i corsi è sempe fortemente consigliata!!
remember us in mind when you are in the kingdom of heaven, said the thief ... goodbye lady teacher
RispondiEliminaI wish I was in what you call .. "kingdom of heaven" ... !!
RispondiEliminaI would like to thank the teacher for allowing me to work through this issue the first stirrings in English, with teacher, I hope that the presentation was pleasing to her. I is a must also thank the guys for the involvement and commitment, especially Joseph, who also works and Philip. Have been extraordinary in my opinion. Were able to make the information I have given a nice presentation, and they were also ready to replace their comrades. I want you to go to them a part of my merits, good. It 'been a great team work, well done again to all you guys, bye.